Calculate life expectancy mortality table

A period life table is based on the mortality experience of a population during a relatively short period of time. Here we present the 2019 period life table for the Social Security area population, as used in the 2021 Trustees Report (TR). For this table, the period life expectancy at a given age is the average remaining number of years expected prior to death for a person at that exact age, born on January 1, using the mortality rates for 2019 over the course of his or her remaining life.

This life table is available for certain other years.

Period Life Table, 2019, as used in the 2021 Trustees Report
Male Female
probability a
Number of
lives b
probability a
Number of
lives b
0 0.006081 100,000 76.23 0.005046 100,000 81.28
1 0.000425 99,392 75.69 0.000349 99,495 80.69
2 0.000260 99,350 74.73 0.000212 99,461 79.72
3 0.000194 99,324 73.75 0.000166 99,440 78.74
4 0.000154 99,305 72.76 0.000137 99,423 77.75
5 0.000142 99,289 71.77 0.000122 99,409 76.76
6 0.000135 99,275 70.78 0.000111 99,397 75.77
7 0.000127 99,262 69.79 0.000103 99,386 74.78
8 0.000117 99,249 68.80 0.000098 99,376 73.79
9 0.000104 99,238 67.81 0.000095 99,366 72.79
10 0.000097 99,227 66.81 0.000096 99,357 71.80
11 0.000106 99,218 65.82 0.000102 99,347 70.81
12 0.000145 99,207 64.83 0.000116 99,337 69.81
13 0.000220 99,193 63.84 0.000139 99,326 68.82
14 0.000324 99,171 62.85 0.000170 99,312 67.83
15 0.000437 99,139 61.87 0.000204 99,295 66.84
16 0.000552 99,096 60.90 0.000240 99,275 65.86
17 0.000676 99,041 59.93 0.000278 99,251 64.87
18 0.000806 98,974 58.97 0.000319 99,223 63.89
19 0.000939 98,894 58.02 0.000360 99,192 62.91
20 0.001079 98,801 57.07 0.000405 99,156 61.93
21 0.001215 98,695 56.13 0.000451 99,116 60.96
22 0.001327 98,575 55.20 0.000491 99,071 59.99
23 0.001406 98,444 54.27 0.000523 99,022 59.02
24 0.001461 98,306 53.35 0.000550 98,971 58.05
25 0.001508 98,162 52.43 0.000575 98,916 57.08
26 0.001559 98,014 51.51 0.000605 98,859 56.11
27 0.001612 97,861 50.58 0.000642 98,800 55.14
28 0.001671 97,703 49.67 0.000691 98,736 54.18
29 0.001734 97,540 48.75 0.000749 98,668 53.22
30 0.001798 97,371 47.83 0.000811 98,594 52.26
31 0.001860 97,196 46.92 0.000872 98,514 51.30
32 0.001926 97,015 46.00 0.000933 98,428 50.34
33 0.001994 96,828 45.09 0.000990 98,336 49.39
34 0.002067 96,635 44.18 0.001046 98,239 48.44
35 0.002147 96,435 43.27 0.001107 98,136 47.49
36 0.002233 96,228 42.36 0.001172 98,028 46.54
37 0.002318 96,013 41.46 0.001236 97,913 45.59
38 0.002399 95,791 40.55 0.001296 97,792 44.65
39 0.002483 95,561 39.65 0.001356 97,665 43.71
40 0.002581 95,324 38.75 0.001423 97,532 42.76
41 0.002697 95,078 37.84 0.001502 97,394 41.83
42 0.002828 94,821 36.95 0.001596 97,247 40.89
43 0.002976 94,553 36.05 0.001709 97,092 39.95
44 0.003145 94,272 35.16 0.001840 96,926 39.02
45 0.003339 93,975 34.26 0.001988 96,748 38.09
46 0.003566 93,661 33.38 0.002152 96,556 37.17
47 0.003831 93,327 32.50 0.002332 96,348 36.24
48 0.004142 92,970 31.62 0.002528 96,123 35.33
49 0.004498 92,585 30.75 0.002744 95,880 34.42
50 0.004888 92,168 29.88 0.002980 95,617 33.51
51 0.005319 91,718 29.03 0.003240 95,332 32.61
52 0.005808 91,230 28.18 0.003529 95,023 31.71
53 0.006360 90,700 27.34 0.003852 94,688 30.82
54 0.006970 90,123 26.51 0.004207 94,323 29.94
55 0.007627 89,495 25.70 0.004590 93,926 29.06
56 0.008320 88,812 24.89 0.004996 93,495 28.20
57 0.009047 88,074 24.10 0.005425 93,028 27.34
58 0.009803 87,277 23.31 0.005874 92,523 26.48
59 0.010591 86,421 22.54 0.006346 91,980 25.64
60 0.011447 85,506 21.77 0.006880 91,396 24.80
61 0.012352 84,527 21.02 0.007454 90,767 23.96
62 0.013248 83,483 20.28 0.008006 90,091 23.14
63 0.014117 82,377 19.54 0.008515 89,370 22.32
64 0.014995 81,214 18.81 0.009025 88,609 21.51
65 0.015987 79,996 18.09 0.009610 87,809 20.70
66 0.017107 78,717 17.38 0.010320 86,965 19.90
67 0.018280 77,371 16.67 0.011158 86,067 19.10
68 0.019500 75,956 15.97 0.012148 85,107 18.31
69 0.020829 74,475 15.28 0.013301 84,073 17.53
70 0.022364 72,924 14.60 0.014662 82,955 16.76
71 0.024169 71,293 13.92 0.016210 81,739 16.00
72 0.026249 69,570 13.25 0.017892 80,414 15.26
73 0.028642 67,744 12.59 0.019701 78,975 14.52
74 0.031380 65,804 11.95 0.021700 77,419 13.81
75 0.034593 63,739 11.32 0.024064 75,739 13.10
76 0.038235 61,534 10.71 0.026814 73,916 12.41
77 0.042159 59,181 10.12 0.029837 71,934 11.74
78 0.046336 56,686 9.54 0.033132 69,788 11.09
79 0.050917 54,059 8.98 0.036810 67,476 10.45
80 0.056205 51,307 8.43 0.041102 64,992 9.83
81 0.062327 48,423 7.91 0.046080 62,321 9.23
82 0.069190 45,405 7.40 0.051658 59,449 8.65
83 0.076844 42,264 6.91 0.057868 56,378 8.09
84 0.085407 39,016 6.44 0.064829 53,116 7.56
85 0.095010 35,684 6.00 0.072690 49,672 7.05
86 0.105770 32,293 5.58 0.081578 46,061 6.56
87 0.117771 28,878 5.18 0.091587 42,304 6.10
88 0.131063 25,477 4.80 0.102774 38,429 5.67
89 0.145666 22,138 4.45 0.115160 34,480 5.26
90 0.161582 18,913 4.12 0.128749 30,509 4.88
91 0.178797 15,857 3.82 0.143532 26,581 4.53
92 0.197287 13,022 3.54 0.159491 22,766 4.20
93 0.217013 10,453 3.29 0.176600 19,135 3.90
94 0.237930 8,184 3.06 0.194825 15,756 3.63
95 0.258655 6,237 2.87 0.213248 12,686 3.39
96 0.278786 4,624 2.69 0.231570 9,981 3.18
97 0.297897 3,335 2.54 0.249466 7,670 2.98
98 0.315556 2,341 2.40 0.266589 5,756 2.81
99 0.331333 1,603 2.28 0.282585 4,222 2.65
100 0.347900 1,072 2.16 0.299540 3,029 2.49
101 0.365295 699 2.05 0.317512 2,121 2.35
102 0.383560 444 1.94 0.336563 1,448 2.21
103 0.402738 273 1.83 0.356756 961 2.07
104 0.422875 163 1.73 0.378162 618 1.94
105 0.444018 94 1.64 0.400852 384 1.82
106 0.466219 52 1.54 0.424903 230 1.70
107 0.489530 28 1.45 0.450397 132 1.59
108 0.514007 14 1.37 0.477421 73 1.48
109 0.539707 7 1.29 0.506066 38 1.38
110 0.566692 3 1.21 0.536430 19 1.28
111 0.595027 1 1.13 0.568616 9 1.19
112 0.624778 1 1.06 0.602733 4 1.10
113 0.656017 0 0.99 0.638896 1 1.02
114 0.688818 0 0.92 0.677230 1 0.94
115 0.723259 0 0.86 0.717864 0 0.87
116 0.759422 0 0.80 0.759422 0 0.80
117 0.797393 0 0.74 0.797393 0 0.74
118 0.837263 0 0.68 0.837263 0 0.68
119 0.879126 0 0.63 0.879126 0 0.63
a Probability of dying within one year.
b Number of survivors out of 100,000 born alive.

The Social Security area population is composed of: (1) residents of the 50 States and the District of Columbia (adjusted for net census undercount); (2) civilian residents of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands; (3) Federal civilian employees and persons in the U.S. Armed Forces abroad and their dependents; (4) non-citizens living abroad who are insured for Social Security benefits; and (5) all other U.S. citizens abroad.