Applying for social welfare payments and services online

You can apply online for many social welfare payments using the MyWelfare website.

For example, you can apply online for:

Other online social welfare services

You can also use the MyWelfare website to:

You can also use the pension calculation tool on the Pensions Authority website.

Accessing MyWelfare online services

To use MyWelfare online services, you must create a MyGovID account. This is a secure online identity-verification service.

Your MyGovID account lets you access a range of government services online, as well as social welfare services.

There are 2 types of MyGovID account:

Setting up a basic MyGovID account

A basic MyGovID account lets you access services like:

To create your basic MyGovID account, you should:

  1. Visit
  2. Enter your email address, create a password and click ‘Register now’
  3. A code will be sent to your email address, which you must enter on-screen to complete your basic account registration.

Once you have activated your MyGovID account, you can log into your basic account. You will see a list of online services, including MyWelfare services.

You can also log directly into MyWelfare using your MyGovID.

Setting up a verified MyGovID account

A verified MyGovID account is more secure than a basic account. It lets you access all available services.

You can upgrade from a basic account to a verified MyGovID account at or you can download the MyGovID app onto your smartphone.

To upgrade from a basic account to a verified MyGovID, you need:

If you do not have a PSC, you can apply:

If you do not have a PPS number, you will need to apply for your PPS number at a designated PPS Number Allocation Centre.

Every time you access your verified MyGovID account, you will be asked to enter a verification code which has been sent to your mobile phone. This 2-step authentication process makes your account more secure.

Once you have a verified account, you can apply for social welfare payments online. In some cases, you must be invited by the Department of Social Protection to apply online.

More information about online social welfare services

Visit to access social welfare services and payments online.

I don’t have access to the Internet

If you don’t have internet access, you can continue to apply for social welfare payments as normal. MyWelfare is just another way to access services, apply for benefits, or amend your jobseeker’s details.

You can find information about how to apply for social welfare payments by searching for the payment on our website.

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