Ontario's Regulatory Registry

The amending regulations to the Building Code, O. Reg. 139/17, was filed on May 17, 2017 and O. Reg. 88/19, was filed on May 2, 2019. The amending regulations are available on e-Laws, Ontario's online databased of statues and regulations. See The Building Code is a regulation under the Building Code Act, 1992 (BCA).

The Building Code was amended by Ontario Regulation 139/17 on May 14, 2017. This amendment included provisions related to second units in houses and retirement homes to support the Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy. In addition, new requirements were added to the Building Code that environmental goals.

Also, on May 2, 2019, the Building Code was amended by Ontario Regulation 88/19. This amendment included provisions to align Ontario's Building Code with the 2015 amendments to the National Construction Codes in the areas of:

-fire safety measures include fire prevention and early detection and warning systems;
-structural sufficiency of building to withstand external forces and improve resilience;
-public health and safety requirements; and
accessibility requirements.

There are no administrative costs associated with this amendment to the Building Code.

Analysis of Regulatory Impact: There are no administrative costs associated with this amendment to the Building Code. Further Information: Proposal Number: Posting Date: October 21, 2016 Summary of Proposal:

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (MMA) is proposing amendments to Ontario Regulation 332/12 (Building Code) under the Building Code Act, 1992 in a two-phased consultation.

-In the first phase, MMA is consulting on proposed interim amendments to the current Building Code that support the Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy update, which was released in March 2016. Additionally, phase one would also seek input on proposed changes to the Building Code that support the government's on-going commitment to safety, conservation, environmental protection and accessibility of buildings through the release of the next edition of the Building Code. In addition, MMA is seeking advice on preliminary changes the government should consider to improve energy efficiency and water conservation that could be implemented quickly and over time.

-The second phase of the consultation will seek input on proposed requirements to support the implementation of the government's Climate Change Action Plan, which was released in June 2016.

The first phase of consultation, launched on October 21, 2016 includes:

The Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy Update

Among other things, the Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy update focuses on increasing the supply of affordable housing, and ending chronic homelessness. Proposed changes to the Building Code are intended to support these objectives.

As part of implementing the Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy update, MMA is publicly consulting on changes to the Building Code that would include:

-Establishing specific construction standards for retirement homes,
-Promoting the creation of more affordable two-unit houses commonly referred to as secondary suites in newly constructed houses.

Next Edition of the Building Code

The government uses a new edition of the Building Code as a vehicle to increase harmonization with the model national construction codes and standards. New national construction codes were released by the federal government in January 2016, and a new Building Code is needed to promote consistency between codes. Harmonization with the model national construction codes, which are adopted in provinces across Canada, boosts the competitiveness of Ontario's construction sector, as it promotes standardization and reduces inter-provincial barriers.

MMA is proposing amendments to the Building Code regulation under the following themes:
-Environmental protection and safety
-Fire safety
-Structural integrity
-Public health and safety
-Harmonization and consistency

Consultation Discussion Items: Potential Future Building Code Amendments

In addition to the items for consultation set out above, consultation could also inform potential future changes to the Building Code, or other regulations.

This phase of consultation will seek input on:
-Community hubs
-Protection of ground and surface water quality
-Energy efficiency
-Promoting electric vehicle use
-Adapting to climate change

The ministry invites any feedback on these proposals. For more information regarding the consultation and how to submit your comments, please visit the websites below.

Contact Address:

2017 Next Edition Building Code Consultation
c/o Building and Development Branch
Ministry of Municipal Affairs
777 Bay Street -16th Floor
Toronto, ON
M5G 2E5